Monday, December 25, 2006

The semester is finally over! As you all have undoubtedly noticed, my blog died yet another untimely death during the past semester, a condition which, I hope (as I do every time I post) to remedy. So briefly, here is a summary of this past semester-

My supervised ministry (10-15 hours of work at church every week in addition to a 2.5 hour class weekly at the seminary) went extremely well. I’m working at Monroe Community Church (a new church start) and Trinity United Methodist (the parent church) about an hour south of Drew. It’s been a wonderful semester; the people are fantastic, I’ve connected well with the congregation, my supervising pastor is fantastic (if a bit crazy).

The rest of the semester, quite frankly, was a train wreck. I have CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome), which had been in remission about five years. I had a major relapse last semester, but was hopeful that I would recover over the summer before this fall semester. Unfortunately, this was not the case, and I ended up missing a lot of class time. Thankfully, my professors are very understanding, and I’m carrying most of my coursework into January. (Our spring semester doesn’t start until February).

Finally, for those of you who are wondering, Melissa and I finally have an official date for our wedding- Saturday, August 18th, 2007. Hopefully, we’ll have invitations out by the end of this January, but make sure to put the date in your calendars!